Welcome to
Redding Buzz!
We strive to connect and support our community by promoting local businesses, events, and news. We are dedicated to helping local businesses succeed and to providing people with a one-stop-shop for discovering and engaging with all that our community has to offer!


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Photograph of the team in a studio doing a recording session.

Who we are

We are a team of passionate locals who support the community through our social media platform and marketing services.

Learn More About Us →
Coffee shop with tables and chairs on the sidewalk.

Local Businesses

Discover and support local businesses in our community! Together let's contribute to the growth and vitality of Northern California.

Local Businesses To Know →
Woman singing with a band on a stage.


Find your next adventure and discover the best local events and activities in Redding and surrounding areas.

Current Events This Month →
Jason filming an event from above inside a helicopter.

Community News

Stay informed about the latest news and community updates.

Stay Updated With The News →

Stand Out from the Crowd
with Redding Buzz

Promotions & Sponsorships

Promote your business or event to a wider audience on Redding Buzz's social media platform.

Video Production

Elevate your marketing game with Redding Buzz's professional video production services, helping you to showcase your brand and tell your story in a captivating way.

Web Marketing

Drive traffic to your website and boost your online presence with comprehensive web marketing services, tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

Jason Stovall